Difficulty level: beginner
Notation: standard and standard with tab
Tone: G major
Format: digital (PDF)
To purchase this score send me an email to: tudorniculescumizil@gmail.com
Romanian carol that is sung during the winter holidays. The guitar arrangement retains the original song and is designed for beginners.
The lyrics of the carol:
The carols singers are coming, as they used to once, ‘heart is heart’,
To sing carols during this beautiful night, ‘heart is heart’,
But their mouths are dry and their eyes are wet, ‘heart is heart’,
Too much blood, too many calvaries in vain, ‘heart is heart’.
Christian hosts, let them in your houses, ‘heart is heart’,
And invite them to your tables, properly, ‘heart is heart’,
The Saint is sending them to us, to try our mercy, ‘heart is heart’,
Lords of our times to open up their mansions, ‘heart is heart’.
Their steps are hesitant, their hands frail, ‘heart is heart’,
Their voice is trembeling, they don’t know how to carol, ‘heart is heart’,
If they sit at the gate, without saying anything, ‘heart is heart’,
Lords of our times, you ought to be scared, ‘heart is heart’.
The question echoing outside is mute, ‘heart is heart’,
We’ve died for nothing, what have you done with our country, ‘heart is heart’,
Still in cold and hunger, still with hands stretched out for begging, ‘heart is heart’,
In front of unknown gates, which are closed for us, ‘heart is heart’.
The carols singers are coming, as they used to once, ‘heart is heart’,
To sing carols during this beautiful night, ‘heart is heart’,
But their mouths are dry and their eyes are wet, ‘heart is heart’,
Too much blood, too many calvaries in vain, ‘heart is heart’.