Level of difficulty: intermediate
Notation: standard and standard with tab
Tone: E minor
Format: digital (PDF)
Romanian carol that is sung during the winter holidays. The guitar arrangement retains the original song and is designed for the intermediate level.
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The lyrics of the carol:
Yellow quince…
Lamp at the window
All of our winter!
Sweet, yellow light
Like blond I was.
Mother put a quince
That is slowly ripening by the window…
I would bite it, but I’m hurting,
A kind of yearning takes over me…
And now when the year passes
It’s as if I feel it aging.
Yellow quince…
Lamp at the window
All of our winter!
My mother had no globes,
And no tinsel and no star…
With quinces
The winter holidays she decorated…
Mother put a quince
At the window to the road…
And I see how it illuminates,
I don’t have the power to consume it.
Yellow quince…
Lamp at the window
All of our winter!
It’s as if it’s got a clock inside of it
And mother’s holy cry…
Illuminates and withers
A quince on Earth.
Mother’s greatest luxury
When we still felt like kids
Was the loaf on the table
And the quince by the window.
Yellow quince…
Lamp at the window
All of our winter!